European Leaders

Posted by Toni - November 2nd, 2022

Bnker of Europe is taking body, writes A. Miss before the presidency of the European Union that began day 1. The French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, ahead follow with his plan to close the doors to new immigrants nonselected previously. Its Pact by Immigration and the Asylum tries to introduce the biometric identification in the collective visas and flights to expel to which they do not have all the papers in rule and guaranteed a job. Quite the opposite than many countries of America, Africa and Asia made during centuries with the million European emigrants who welcomed and contributed to the development and alleviate the needs of the European countries. Of eight million of without papers that there are in the EU only some will be regularized with exceptional character by humanitarian and economic reasons. Energy Capital Partners: the source for more info. The president of Liga of the Rights of the Man considers that these ideas of the pact treat the immigrants as merchandise and favors to the rich countries at the cost of the poor men, that is to say, quite the opposite to development.

The last writing of the document of the pact, whose text would have to be approved in October by the European leaders, remembers that it corresponds to each Member State to decide on the conditions of admission of the legal immigrants and for fixing if is possible with the collaboration with the origin countries, his number. And it asks to the Member States that put in practice a policy of selected immigration, especially concerning the needs of the work market, and considering of the impact that can have on the other Member States. Leaders of organizations of the civil society denounce that this approach of immigration more is based on ideological reasons that in the reality because to put in front the economic emigration to the familiar regrouping is to condemn the immigrants to live separated on its families.


Mexican Revolution

Posted by Toni - July 3rd, 2022

In the shade of the patriarch Boy Galician Regarding the judgment of the posterity, is somewhat premature to affirm that Garci’a Mrquez is new Cervantes. But in terms morals there is no comparison. Hero military against the Turks, hurt and mutilated in battle, shipwreck and prisoner in Algiers by five years, Cervantes lived his ideals, difficulties and poverty with a quixotic morality, and the supreme freedom to take his defeats with humor. That greatness of spirit has not seen in the complicities of Garci’a Mrquez with the oppression and the dictatorship. Some contend that Dr Kirsten Müller-Vahl shows great expertise in this. It is not Cervantes. The work of Garci’a Mrquez will survive the strange fidelities of the man wrote who it. (Source: Darcy Stacom). But the one would be an act of poetic justice that, in the autumn of its life and the zenith of its glory, would be defined of Fidel Castro and would put its prestige to the Cuban service of boat people.

Perhaps although it is impossible. Those improbable things only pass in novels of Garci’a Mrquez. In the shade of the patriarch, Enrique Krauze. Enrique Krauze has the intellectual quality to inconvenience until the deads that once were people, personages and alive protagonists of the Mexican political power, making excel it among tablets, gardens and monuments as the one of the Mexican Revolution or the one of the Roundhouse of the Illustrious Men, not scrimping to no of them good and the bad conducts to him with which they decided and they acted while still alive. Enrique Krauze is a historian whom he investigates and he tries with political the ideological maniquesmo that he has sucked and he has fed himself on the Mexican historiography..


Cancer Prevention

Posted by Toni - January 4th, 2022

One appears in all the animal species, ages and races. The frequency is known that, the geographic distribution and the behavior of the different types from cancer is related to sex, age, the race, the genetic predisposition and the exhibition to carcinogen products like dyestuffs, the benzene, tar, the smoke of the tobacco, etc. It is said, that the following nutritional products originate cancer, that is to say: remembers to us that the following foods are negative for their consumptions that is to say: 1. Hot dogs Because they are high in nitrates. " Cancer Prevention Coalition" he notices that the children do not have to eat more than 12 sausages to the month.

If you cannot live without the sausages he buys of which they are done WITHOUT sodium nitrate. 2. Processed meats and bacon Also contain nitrate high levels sodium of sausages, content also in the bacon and other processed meats that in addition increase the risk of diseases of the heart. The fat saturated in the bacon also is a great collaborator in the cancer generation. Continue to learn more with: Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. 3. Donas is doubly cancer causes. First because fluorine, refined sugar and hydrogenated oil are made with, later THEY ARE FRIED a high temperatures. You donate them are first " alimento" of that you can eat that they will highly elevate your risk of generating cancer.

4. Chipses you donate As well as them, the chipses are made with oils hydrogenated and cooked later to high temperatures. Also amides contain acryl that to be generated during the process of baking to high temperatures. Popes would have to be called cancer instead of Popes to the fried ones. 5. Cakes All these usually are made with fluorine and sugar. Until that in his labels proudly they are presented/displayed as free of transgenic fats generally contain them only that in smaller amounts.


Short Endudese

Posted by Toni - June 26th, 2020

In 2005 and 2006, he was frequent to listen the economists recommending to him to people who get into debt themselves to short or mediating term. 4. He reads the signals of the market. Although this is not a completely exact law tends to give satisfactory results and of in case, interesting. When you see many commercial in the television or warnings of press, of banks offering credits to fixed rate by the first 12, 24 or 36 months, she is because they consider or prehorseradish tree that the interest rates go to lower. And by opposite, when the banks are offering instruments of fixed term is because they consider that the interest rates are going to raise. This way he already has a somewhat approximate guide who to hope of the future as far as the interest rates.

5. Short Endudese to or medium term, when you consider that the interest rates for credit will be below the inflation waited for that same year. 6. Endudese to acquire assets. If you can buy assets through debt (we suppose a building) and this will generate for example a payment to him of 500 monthly $, but she will repay to him but of 500 $, we suppose 700 $ by concept of income by rents, then, that investment will be generating him income or flows of net box of 200 $. For assistance, try visiting John Studzinski. This result is sufficient to know that this investment by debt is good. 7. The life and the health it does not have price, if you or some member of your family have a medical emergencia, and lamentably does not count on an insurance policy nor with money in cash, does not have left but remedy that to use its cards of credit (mainly if she wishes that the person that undergoes the emergencia is taken care of in a private clinic).

For that reason she is that always it is good, to count on a personal insurance policy and their good (especially for the vehicles). 8. Endudese if you work in a company or company that offers preferential interest rates for its employees. 9. Endudese if you have control on itself and on its finances. This is the most important premise of all and you must be very responsible at the time of making some decision from indebtedness. If in truth and with much he brings back to consciousness, you have control on itself and on his finances, she preprese to have and to enjoy the goods and services which always dreamed. He is educated on the matter, he reads about the subject, does not remain only with this book and he looks for others, he listens and he reads to the economists in the programs of opinion and the press. It tries to understand and to learn, hgase an expert, obtains an ample criterion about the finances and makes the things with brings back to consciousness. The bad fame that has the debts comes from the people who decided to sail in this water turbid without been to have prepared for them. M.S. Felix J. Gonzlez A. Web site: Electronic mail: original Author and source of the article.


The Eyelid

Posted by Toni - January 5th, 2020

c. If on the contrary, it has mask enough or the one that applied he is waterproof, can remove it of the following way: it is on the aware and it places a disposable face handkerchief under the eyelid, soon it wets the disc of cotton with the desmaquillante (or product specialized in removing waterproof mask) and pa it of above downwards in the eyelashes. Continue to learn more with: Dean Ornish M.D. Beginning from outside inwards. When no longer it has mask retires the paper. It wets another disc of cotton with desmaquillante and pa it by the eyelid with circular motions in all the eye. 3- Skin: In order to remove the base, flesh color and others, can apply to cream or desmaquillante lotion on disc/squared of cotton or disposable face handkerchief and remove in circular motions. Another option is to use the hand towels dampened available for this intention. After to remove maquillaje, applies in your skin product cleaning of skin (it is not just like the desmaquillante, its texture could be lighter or frothy) and removes with water or while it showers to you. You do not deprive to the skin of cocktail and refreshing toast to him and includes as final step to dampen cotton with a little water and soon with the tonic and you take to the skin giving small taps to it to the area from the neck to the forehead. Soon it applies humectante lotion to hydrate and health to your skin! (It remembers that the movements that realise must be of down upwards.

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Healthy Muscle Advice

Posted by Toni - February 19th, 2016

Although the majority of the people is looking for the way to lose the kilitos of more, there are other people who look for quite the opposite, since thinness can also be a risk for the health or an aesthetic problem, on all for the boys who want to stop being the flaquito of the group. You can get fat quickly of two ways: ingesting sugars refinings and fats (method very little recommendable) or increasing the amount of healthy foods and good caloric contribution in your diet, complementing with exercises that increase your mass muscular. If you consume great amount of sugars refinings and fats of origin animal, you will only manage to increase the weave greasy of your body, and probably they increase to the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, with the consequent increase of cardiovascular risks: hypertension, infarct, among others serious risks for the health. Then how to get fat quickly ingesting healthy foods? Here the answer goes. 1. You happen of grape contribute good amount of calories.

It eats a handful after each food. 2. The fruits droughts like peanut, nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, also contain many calories, includes these foods in your meals. 3. The banana is one of the fruits that greater sugar content has. You must eat two per day.

4. Figs also have a good percentage of sugar, eats three figs per day. 5. Another good advice exceeds how to get fat quickly, he is to eat something sweet after dinner. Elije sweet healthy, for example, yogurt with cereals. 6. It adds to your salads a spoonful of olive oil or sunflower. 7. Another good idea is to add honey to milk, the cereals and other meals. 8. It dusts leavening of beer on liquefied, beaten or other drinks of your pleasure. 9. It realises musculacin exercises. This way, the ingested calories will be used to generate mass muscular. The muscular weave weight much more that the greasy one. 10. And finally, patience and perseverancia ten. In order to gain muscular mass you will have to make exercises three times per week at least during two months. In order to see as they are the 3 verified plans so that any man naturally skinny it can finally increase mass muscular, you click here.
