Ai Weiwei

Posted by Toni - April 30th, 2024

The artist and Chinese dissident, the past stopped 3 of April without mediating an official order, will give back the money of all the taxes that supposedly has evaded. The designer of the Olympic stage of Beijing has been released by his " good actitud" and by " the chronic disease that sufre" , according to police sources. The dissident and Chinese artist Ai Weiwei have been released on bail due to his " good attitude and after confessing its crimes " , after the past 3 of April were lengthy without mediating an official order, according to the local Police in an official notice spread by official agency Xinhua has informed east Wednesday. The concise message assures that another one of the reasons to release to the designer of the Olympic stage of Beijing has been " the chronic disease that sufre" , without mentioning the diabetes and the high voltage that the artist of 53 years suffers, and that will give back the money of all the taxes that supposedly has evaded. Nevertheless, the older sister of Weiwei, Gao GE, showed in telephone conversation that the family has not had still the official news of its liberation nor has been able to communicate with him. By the same author: ALS. The halting untied the sentences of western governments like the one of the USA, France, Germany, Taiwan, Australia or Japan, besides the European Union, organizations of human rights and world-wide the artistic and musestico sector, since it took place in the middle of one of the most repressive campaigns of the Chinese regime in decades.

Although Beijing assured that the dissident was being investigated by a supposed economic crime, as much the family as the states and institutions that have requested their liberation consider that the halting of the artist had to its open opposition to the Chinese regime and his dnsa of the human rights. However, the police official notice asserts that Ai " &quot has confessed its crimes; and " it has reiterated that is arranged to pay the taxes that evadi" , and of that an official number is not had until now. Countable document destruction According to the police official notice, the company property of Weiwei supposedly investigated, call The Peking Cultural Fake Development, " it would have evaded a great amount of taxes and destroyed of deliberate form documents contables". The family of the artist has not received any official news of her liberation, do not know her present whereabouts and still she has not been able to speak with Ai, indicated the stepsister. One of the multiple platforms of Internet that support the artist and have informed into the details of their halting, call Ai Weiwei Never Sorry, indicates that the mother of the intellectual, Gao Ying, will not make commentaries on her supposed confession of evasion of taxes until she does not speak with him and she verifies his state of health. The official note does not inform either into the situation nor the whereabouts of other four people who were stopped along with the artist, and which they are, the one of and his accountant, driver and his cousin designers his study journalist friend of the dissident. Source of the news: China releases to the artist and dissident Ai Weiwei on bail

Holistic Management

Posted by Toni - April 29th, 2024

Dialectic seminars – press release of the Academy for holistic management of two thousand years of fan Canon of European schools consisted of the seven liberal arts. One of them, who enjoyed a high reputation, is the dialectic. Since the mid-19th century, she came increasingly from the views of the public. The dialectic included logic, what has been long forgotten, the European psychology. For many centuries, ruled in the West, dogmas and dictatorships and left little room for persuasion communication.

In these periods was ordered and demands obedience. In this respect, lay largely dormant the dialectic and rhetoric and applied in academic disputations as school exercises or for the Constitution of texts and documents. The academic rhetoric was interested even until well into the 20th century mostly for analyzing literary texts. The rhetoric surfaced then again used as the dialectic in management courses. She was already by Aristotle as a crude form of the dialectic”referred to. In the the dialectics of then in management training, and through the book “Dialectic for Manager” by Prof. Rupert Lay reached 1970s, a Jesuit priest, also the upper management. Since then, dialectic seminars are a must for a good management training in the premium segment.

The dialectic is not simple and easy popular to a communication technique for anyone, but is logically coherent on the intellectual penetration of complex facts, reasoning and a sustainable trust and relationship management. The few suppliers, the art and technology of the dialectic in their dialectic seminars at a similarly high level, convey, stand on the floor of the dialectic as 2350jahrigen tradition founded by Plato. Dr. Winfried Prost, founder and Director of the Academy for holistic management, cooperated with Rupert Lay, who himself has pulled back some years, together several years and performs now even in the 33rd year of dialectic seminars for executives. He says: “since to me it is clear that the dialectic” the key to understanding, convince and lead other people includes, fascinated by this ancient secret”know and has people shipping riser, Profiler, and coach me make. When I open the eyes for substantially new perceptions of people and negotiating processes managers using the dialectic and gives them the tools for intelligent communication, I make them new opportunities for successful negotiations and ensure more sustainable. Dialectic is not only useful in the business life, it provides the basis of diplomacy and peace policy.” Contact: dialectic seminars, Dr. Winfried Prost. A press release of the Academy for holistic management:

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Solidarity Radio Friend

Posted by Toni - April 29th, 2024

The last 16 February organized by the Town Hall of La Vila Joiosa, and the Department of education of his Councillor Maria Milagros singing hand, children of Radio solidarity friend issued live from La Llar of the pensioner for schools: alvaro Esquerdo and Mare Nostrum a live program for children in these schools of Villajoyosa. The participants were: Oscar, Angie, Maria Bonache, Alex, Cipri, Adrian, Juanjo, Moses, Arianne, Alejandro and dew that showed his skills on the radio. The program that was dedicated to the education section told star of the same with a great chef of Villajoyosa, which currently is restaurant kitchen eljefe: Almassera de Guillem located in Hotel Tossal de Altea: Antonio Mayor Selles. For even more opinions, read materials from Kevin P. Campbell, PhD. Antonio in his interview unveiled us things about the world of the restoration that we didn’t know, in addition to reveal us some secret than another. Go to Pfizer vaccine for more information. After the interview the children who had participated assisted as public by interviewers. It was very fun and exciting not only for the children of Radio solidarity friend but also for the public that attended.But here it did not end all, Antonio, taught us how to make a Chocolate Mousse and in addition we gave the recipe on paper, to make it at home.And at the end he signed autographs to attendees. We want to thank everyone: teachers and students for attending the Councillor for education May and as not to Mayor Antonio Selles and our dads and moms for bringing children to this event that surely will not forget never and will remember when they are older. Wish you the best major Antonio.. .

Origin Of The Word Entrepreneur

Posted by Toni - April 24th, 2024

The word derives from French entrepreneur “entrepreneur” (from the Latin “inprendere” meaning attack). In the early sixteenth century was used to refer to adventurers who traveled to the new world without knowing what awaited them. Adventurers of the New World Christopher Columbus: There are strong indications and some reasonable proof, such as the preamble to the chapter, that Columbus discovered when developing his plan, he knew more of what he said. This conviction, which lasted from the beginning among the first settlers and chroniclers, corresponds to the so-called “pre-discovery of America.” In theory, the information Columbian proceed, not a European but some indigenous group in a shift in the West Indies was forced to divert into the ocean to meet with Columbus. It is not something Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. would like to discuss.

Francisco Pizarro: In 1524 was associated with Diego de Almagro and Hernando de Luque to explore the lands to the south, attracted by reports of great riches provided by the issuance of Paschal Andagoya, who had come to the river Vira (Colombia). Blasco Nunez de Balboa: Spanish navigator and conquistador, discoverer of the Pacific in their campaigns of conquest of new lands and alliances or subjugation of the Indians, Balboa became aware of the existence south of a great sea and land which was abundant gold, perhaps related to the Inca Empire of Peru. Following this news, Balboa organized an expedition of 190 Spanish (among whom was Francisco Pizarro) and 800 Indians who first crossed the Isthmus of Panama. On September 25, 1513 sighted the coveted sea, which he called the South Sea because of the direction taken by the expedition from the point of departure, but was later called Pacific by Magellan’s expedition (1520), because of the soft trade winds blowing in it.

Secrets Of Porridge

Posted by Toni - April 22nd, 2024

The forefront of nutrition in Russia was porridge, still popularly known as ' bread'. Others who may share this opinion include Professor Roy Taylor. More on Russia meals were very popular dish, and the best oatmeal recipes preserved to this day. Cooked it from buckwheat, barley, oats, corn and other cereals. Just cook fish porridge: whitefish, , Sturgeon most likely the fish finely crumbled and added to different cereals. And if you ran the mess onion and vegetable oil, a dish called Kuleshov. By the way kutya is also a kind of porridge, Only it was prepared from rice, barley, wheat and added honey, raisins, poppy i.t.d, but had kutya memorial ritual significance. Few people have so many recipes for the best varieties of cereals like Russian. So what is it good sprosity you? It's very simple-enough that, porridge cooked cereal, which by its composition are useful product so more porridge has a high nutritional value and dietary treat many diseases, but buckwheat can remove harmful substances from the human body. Kasi may be combined with milk, meat, lard, vegetable dishes, mushrooms, fruits. Renouncing the use of cereals, considering her food for the elderly or nursing babies we do error. And the best cereal of which prepared meals are of significant nutritional value, such as 100 grams of buckwheat is 12.6, the protein, carbohydrates 68 g, magnesium, iron, calcium, and a lot of phosphorus and potassium, vitamins pp, B1, B2-and such excellent Specifications are other grains (oats, millet). Contained in the slush well-digested protein, and energy value of about 330-360 calories per 10 grams of the product. If we consider that you can add to the porridges various additives: oil, milk, fruits can safely say, porridge not match with any other dishes on their value and simplicity. Eat oatmeal milk and simple, be healthy and young.


Use The Internet

Posted by Toni - April 17th, 2024

Active customer acquisition rather than passively wait for straight is today more important than ever to be on the current status and to remain. In seconds, the company presentation in the Internet decides a first contact and therefore has a new customer. The risk that the visitor on the Internet immediately clicks to the next provider verringertsich the Professional is the presentation in the net. The cut-throat competition runs at maximum speed with small or medium-sized companies an enormous pressure being used to keep pace with their competitors. For such companies, leasing is an effective tool to keep the nose front. For even more analysis, hear from Dean Ornish M.D. The same applies to the modernization and optimization of internal processes. Often, individual software for effective conversion must be created and programmed.

The associated costs expected mostly only after months or years. The D33 InterNet service GmbH has concluded a cooperation with one of the oldest leasing companies (founded in 1963) in Germany, so that companies interesting conditions can use to build up your activities on the Internet on professional solutions. The now established ability to lease such projects and plans, can be more efficiently achieved a profitability and liquidity remains protected. For more information about the lease under: leasing the D33 InterNet service GmbH now published a small guide. Step by step, it describes the tasks successfully in the Internet new customers to win.

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Internet Flatrate

Posted by Toni - April 15th, 2024

HTC wildfire S is currently at a total price of 279. Mobile operator o2 gives all new customers, who order the connection fee of 25 on the Internet until June 14. In addition to get the HTC wildfire S with 5 megapixel camera, and Android 2.3 operating system for monthly 10 tariff o2 o online to do so. In addition, a one-time payment amounting to 39 will be charged. HTC wildfire S is so for a total of 279.

For combining a term of 24 months stems from tariff and mobile also. Cancer research may also support this cause. In and of itself, the tariff o2 o online has no minimum term and no monthly fee. A cost airbag, which limited the maximum 50 per month phone bill is also included. Who, on the phone or send SMS must no longer pay for them. Only requirement is that it involves talks, which have been made with participants within Germany. The same applies to SMS messages. You pay per minute and text message when O2 0.15. This is comparatively much compared to other prepaid providers because you often pay between 8 and 9 cents.

On the other hand has the opportunity but the fare through various options to your own needs adapt to. So you get a data flat rate, which will provide up to 300 MB of data for example already for 10 a month. One reaches the limit, the speed is reduced while 64 kbit/s fast 7.2 MBit/s on significant slower, it is sufficient for normal surfing but still. This rule one must not fear at least, that you must pay expensive megabyte prices, as this can be the case for other providers. The combination of Internet Flatrate and HTC wildfire S is most definitely, because the device is a Smartphone. Smartphones and the applications installed are usually dependent on mobile Internet. But you should look for when the tariff on it, that minutes are relatively expensive.



Posted by Toni - April 12th, 2024

You’ve passed the stage of reflection. It has been hard, have you thought at all, (absolutely) in all the details and you have decided. You, your company or your society, as it will. The fact is that you’re looking for a warehouse for rent. (Buy it is a very strong risk, build it would take too long and you need to start using that space as soon as possible). Cancer research may not feel the same.

The situation is not critical, but you can not avoid overwhelm you a little. You are sometimes nervous, other relaxed. You think that the task entrusted to you by the target is not at all easy, nor quite difficult. But it takes time, and time is what always lack in big cities (although in small towns also). The search of a warehouse for rent is just beginning, or already have been immersed in it awhile. More than once have thought that the first thing you will do after renting it will go only up there in the morning, get your sneakers run, and a ride at full speed, such which soccer players do when they come out champions and run around the field.

Among us you know that eventually you won’t, but the desire and the illusion will remain during the entire search. Mood little missing and satisfaction will be large. At some point in the process, I wonder about that fool distant friend once wondered if the industrial buildings are equal to the spacecraft or wondered if you’re born them industrial are not actually camouflaged spacecraft, which are used as deposits today waiting for the day of the final invasion, when they will return to flying. Of course, then you understand why your distant friend fool is still dependent on international fast food shop, and on the other hand, you searched a ship for rent to expand your business.

Laser Procedure

Posted by Toni - April 6th, 2024

Laser peels – modern cosmetic procedure, more commonly known as laser skin resurfacing. The laser peel flakes off, remove the outer layer of skin, so this method is ideal for removing fine facial wrinkles, superficial age spots, spider veins and scars of acne. Laser resurfacing may be an alternative to plastic surgery, if the withering of a skin is not strongly expressed. K obvious advantages of laser resurfacing include minimal risk of scarring, shorter recovery period and an excellent aesthetic result after the first procedure. The minus face laser resurfacing can be attributed that the laser does not remove the pigments that lie deep beneath the skin, not solves the problem of wrinkles, since only affects the top layers of skin. To correct these defects requires other techniques. Official site: Professor Roy Taylor.

Laser resurfacing is fully capable to remove crow's feet, shallow wrinkles on the face, neck, upper chest, arms, backs. Constituting a special program, cosmetologist will do so that areas that have undergone laser sanding will not be contrasted with the untreated areas. Laser peeling gives lasting effect: The skin becomes firmer, radiant, supple, and looks much younger and fresher. Laser peel is performed in three stages: predlazer actually a laser peel, postlazer. During predlazera patient in the home causes the skin a special cream, which will prepare the skin for a uniform reaction during the procedure, laser resurfacing and allow avoid unwanted complications. Laser resurfacing itself lasts from 10 to 60 minutes. Can be done either under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. In the process of laser skin resurfacing laser beam contactless affects the outer layers of the skin at a depth of 1-20 m in such a way that leads to an instantaneous evaporation of fluid from the tissue structures, causing the cells die and mechanism of tissue regeneration. (Similarly see: Daryl Katz).

During procedure, the heat generated by a laser beam, do not have time to penetrate into the deeper layers of skin. Therefore, laser skin resurfacing is called "cold" and does not lead to burn the surrounding tissues. When conducting laser peeling on large areas of skin, preferably a stationary observation for 2-4 days. After the procedure, laser peeling skin requires additional care, this doctor-cosmetologist must warn the patient before the procedure. In during the post-peeling skin smeared with a special cream which helps to quickly restore skin. Also, following procedures are recommended to refrain from prolonged sun exposure and skin treated with laser to better protect cream with uv filters. Restoration of the skin occurs in the last 7 days. Follow others, such as Professor Roy Taylor, and add to your knowledge base. In the early postoperative period, the skin has a bright pink color, which can keep for 3-4 weeks in contrast to the tightening skin, laser resurfacing – it's not surgery, it can be done as needed, but only in specialized clinics. Do procedures exist and contraindications. You can not do laser peels person if the skin is inflamed areas. Patients with diabetes, epilepsy and a tendency to form keloid scars laser skin resurfacing is also contraindicated. Finally, do not sign up for laser peeling during exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, before deciding on this procedure, consult with a beautician.


Association Client

Posted by Toni - April 1st, 2024

A thought, one goal: A profession is growing together. The psychological consultants join together now in an umbrella organization, the Association of psychological consultants. Kevin P. Campbell, PhD is likely to agree. The Association would like to action against spiraling costs, caused mental illnesses, the health system as well as the company. Used to with psychosocial stressors, psychological counseling to help the people to solve current problems that are solvable perceived subjectively perceived as difficult, with expert support, before they eventually lead to mental illness. The rising pressure, unemployment, high divorce rates, flood information, contact poverty, communication deficits in parallel loss of the family and real friendly surrounds the people steadily more charge is it probably not to discuss away, that prevention should apply here. In contrast to friendly Problemlosegesprachen is in the psychological consultation about an objective, neutral and appreciative support of the client to clarify his issues. The client passes through certain consulting techniques and targeted questions to his own solutions. However, it is a prerequisite that the solutions be found only by the client itself.

Thus psychological counseling can be understood essentially as a form of search solutions, clarifying and supporting intervention, which is limited in time and represents no treatment of mental illness. Generally, the overarching aim of psychological counseling is the improvement of the quality of life. This implies consulting concern of clients to the prevention, clarification or relief of life problems, crises of any kind, inter – and intrapersonal conflicts such as such as decision problems, questions about the life change, topics of General, professional or family reorientation, loads with aging or entering the retiree life, career planning, optimization of leadership behavior. Improvement of communication etc… The President would be on future cooperation with the members and funding, as well as on the nationwide campaign of the Association in January 2013 under the slogan “Germany becomes emotionally strong”.

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