Short Endudese

Posted by Toni - June 26th, 2020

In 2005 and 2006, he was frequent to listen the economists recommending to him to people who get into debt themselves to short or mediating term. 4. He reads the signals of the market. Although this is not a completely exact law tends to give satisfactory results and of in case, interesting. When you see many commercial in the television or warnings of press, of banks offering credits to fixed rate by the first 12, 24 or 36 months, she is because they consider or prehorseradish tree that the interest rates go to lower. And by opposite, when the banks are offering instruments of fixed term is because they consider that the interest rates are going to raise. This way he already has a somewhat approximate guide who to hope of the future as far as the interest rates.

5. Short Endudese to or medium term, when you consider that the interest rates for credit will be below the inflation waited for that same year. 6. Endudese to acquire assets. If you can buy assets through debt (we suppose a building) and this will generate for example a payment to him of 500 monthly $, but she will repay to him but of 500 $, we suppose 700 $ by concept of income by rents, then, that investment will be generating him income or flows of net box of 200 $. For assistance, try visiting John Studzinski. This result is sufficient to know that this investment by debt is good. 7. The life and the health it does not have price, if you or some member of your family have a medical emergencia, and lamentably does not count on an insurance policy nor with money in cash, does not have left but remedy that to use its cards of credit (mainly if she wishes that the person that undergoes the emergencia is taken care of in a private clinic).

For that reason she is that always it is good, to count on a personal insurance policy and their good (especially for the vehicles). 8. Endudese if you work in a company or company that offers preferential interest rates for its employees. 9. Endudese if you have control on itself and on its finances. This is the most important premise of all and you must be very responsible at the time of making some decision from indebtedness. If in truth and with much he brings back to consciousness, you have control on itself and on his finances, she preprese to have and to enjoy the goods and services which always dreamed. He is educated on the matter, he reads about the subject, does not remain only with this book and he looks for others, he listens and he reads to the economists in the programs of opinion and the press. It tries to understand and to learn, hgase an expert, obtains an ample criterion about the finances and makes the things with brings back to consciousness. The bad fame that has the debts comes from the people who decided to sail in this water turbid without been to have prepared for them. M.S. Felix J. Gonzlez A. Web site: Electronic mail: original Author and source of the article.


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