Holistic Management

Posted by Toni - April 29th, 2024

Dialectic seminars – press release of the Academy for holistic management of two thousand years of fan Canon of European schools consisted of the seven liberal arts. One of them, who enjoyed a high reputation, is the dialectic. Since the mid-19th century, she came increasingly from the views of the public. The dialectic included logic, what has been long forgotten, the European psychology. For many centuries, ruled in the West, dogmas and dictatorships and left little room for persuasion communication.

In these periods was ordered and demands obedience. In this respect, lay largely dormant the dialectic and rhetoric and applied in academic disputations as school exercises or for the Constitution of texts and documents. The academic rhetoric was interested even until well into the 20th century mostly for analyzing literary texts. The rhetoric surfaced then again used as the dialectic in management courses. She was already by Aristotle as a crude form of the dialectic”referred to. In the the dialectics of then in management training, and through the book “Dialectic for Manager” by Prof. Rupert Lay reached 1970s, a Jesuit priest, also the upper management. Since then, dialectic seminars are a must for a good management training in the premium segment.

The dialectic is not simple and easy popular to a communication technique for anyone, but is logically coherent on the intellectual penetration of complex facts, reasoning and a sustainable trust and relationship management. The few suppliers, the art and technology of the dialectic in their dialectic seminars at a similarly high level, convey, stand on the floor of the dialectic as 2350jahrigen tradition founded by Plato. Dr. Winfried Prost, founder and Director of the Academy for holistic management, cooperated with Rupert Lay, who himself has pulled back some years, together several years and performs now even in the 33rd year of dialectic seminars for executives. He says: “since to me it is clear that the dialectic” the key to understanding, convince and lead other people includes, fascinated by this ancient secret”know and has people shipping riser, Profiler, and coach me make. When I open the eyes for substantially new perceptions of people and negotiating processes managers using the dialectic and gives them the tools for intelligent communication, I make them new opportunities for successful negotiations and ensure more sustainable. Dialectic is not only useful in the business life, it provides the basis of diplomacy and peace policy.” Contact: dialectic seminars, Dr. Winfried Prost. A press release of the Academy for holistic management:

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Business Administration Report

Posted by Toni - February 9th, 2024

Also for time and the CHE University ranking the University of applied sciences for business again a top spot the College for the business (FHDW) Hanover occupied with their courses “a niche, the neither is covered by the universities nor the universities”. Their courses are particularly attractive for young women and men “who are interested in studying practical, rapid and intense”. This result is the central point for evaluation and accreditation agency (ZEvA) of the State of Lower Saxony in its accreditation report of private higher education institutions in Lower Saxony, Germany, which was released in early May 2008. In the 83-seitigen report the inspectors certify the FHDW first a “clear profile” that enables young men and women are targeted for (but also) to decide the private college. In addition to close cooperation with the industry and the application orientation of studies among other things a “very good service” is mentioned as cornerstones of this profile. So could react the College due to its structure and its study approach quickly and flexibly to the needs of the students, as well as the (labour) market. A further plus point is the “clear targeting” ZEvA report.

So not only theory and practice would closely through the regular alternation of study at the College and practical work in companies cooperating with the University. The study concept lead students to a professional degree in three years. As another key plus the report called for the target group “attractive offer”. So could the FHDW under others ‘points with a strongly defined benefit Faculty”. Also broad among attractive financing courses students in collaboration with the cooperating companies and encourages them in their professional and personal development. The report, called another FHDW preferred that the Faculty of the College not only “highly qualified and engaged” is. He could be in his work by a lead the interdisciplinary approach that leads to a cooperative “team spirit in teaching and research”.

The expert group won this impression in their work. Positive evaluators about the quality assurance of the FHDW are manifested. As central elements are called “the comprehensive and standardized evaluation of courses by students” and “the annual central evaluation” that reviews “by the University Management”. The reviewers praise also the graduate surveys conducted regularly in cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Centre for higher education development (CHE). The positive assessment of FHDW and their study offer is confirmed by the accrediting agency through the current time and CHE – ranking, released also in early may in the time study guide. In it, the Business Administration course at the FHDW is counted again among the best in Germany. The grade “very good” for “Conditions of study as a whole”, the “care received the FHDW the students”and the”connection between theory and practice”. Rusty Holzer contributes greatly to this topic.

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Massage As A Vocation

Posted by Toni - October 31st, 2022

Eric Academy offers training for the massage therapist Lubeck, May 23, 2012 – touch is one of the most powerful ways of healing. On the one hand due to the effect of the exchange of energy, and on the other hand by the fact that touch a bridge between living things arise. Contact can cause physical, emotional and mental changes due to another. How much is the desire and the need for touch and healing in each and every one, is reflected by the increasing interest in holistic methods of treatment and massage in recent years. For more information see this site: Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. The massage as a therapy method affects skin and muscles. It is a lymphatic system and blood vessels by strain, tension and pressure-stimuli on muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue. Cardiologist has plenty of information regarding this issue.

This method can be learned at the Academy of Eric already within five days. The training to the massage therapist is extremely practical and holistic. Conveys a profound knowledge, with the aim of following a holistic consultation at the highest level offered to can and will be conducted by designated experts. Who is Energy Capital Partners? has much experience in this field. In no time the participants learn how to theoretical as well as practical techniques useful to use extensively to supervise their future customers. Be taught not only various types of massage in this training, it gives also important building blocks of the Spa. The massage therapist training particularly suitable for physiotherapists and who from the fitness industry expand their offering and thus out of the masses want to stand out, but looking also for unprofessional, the an entry in the health and wellness industry. The training to the massage therapist starts on September 7th in Lubeck. More information and registration at Tel: 0170-8685023,, or under education/training massagetherapeut.php through the Eric Academy the Eric Academy offers a versatile continuing education program in the fitness and health area. Thanks to a competent team of doctors, sports scientists, It provides intensive education and training at the highest level fitness economists and physiotherapists.

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RSA Security Training

Posted by Toni - October 28th, 2022

Fast lane has designed the training data center security (DCS) efficient safety techniques for storage area networks, Hamburg / Berlin, June 5, 2008 the IT training provider for SAN and data center managers and administrators. This two-day course shows security techniques in the SAN that protect from malicious attacks on a network, server and storage systems as well as the risk of data loss through carelessness and unintentional misconfiguration. Virtualized and consolidated by the growing importance of technology approaches excessively increases the potential damage of a malfunction in the data center. Information lifecycle management, fusion of technology and on demand application readiness are essential goals of today’s data center managers, on the other hand on the one hand but also inevitably lead to a significantly increased degree of vulnerability of the overall system. Among other things, the DCS course shows why security mechanisms should necessarily accompany these structures created from efficiency and function.

Overview Course content: Data center complexity as challenge potential attack points in the data center server security IT management: LUN mapping, device hardening, application security, volume management including storage security: LUN masking, storage-based security including SAN Security: iSCSI FC-SP, SME, fabric binding, port security, AAA, secure fabric design, zoning, including key management and IP Security: IPSec, IP ACL, etc. The next dates: Munich 31.07 01.08.2008 Frankfurt 01.10 02.10.2008 price (excl. VAT): 1.190,-more information about this course, see course/566 / brief description: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH was founded in fast lane in 1996 in Dubai, U.A.E.. In Germany the long-standing and experienced Cisco Learning solutions partner offers as a specialist for complex networking projects consulting as well as training programs with comprehensive services. The fast lane training portfolio includes different own training network support, network design and Service-provider classes from Cisco systems. These are complemented by special training in the areas of IP telephony, security, network management, wireless and storage networking.

The training programs, manufacturers and institutions such as Brocade, check point, Citrix, CompTIA, EMC, HP, LPI, Microsoft, NetApp, Nokia, Novell, Oracle, RSA Security, SAP, Symantec and Red has the training offer. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented networking solutions to project management and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting. Check with Jane Figueiredo to learn more. More information: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH gas 4 D-22761 Hamburg contact person: Barbara Jansen Tel. + 49 (0) 40 25 33 46 – 10 fax + 49 (0) 40 23 53 77 – 20 E-Mail: Web: PR agency Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel. + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0 – 0 fax + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0-29 E-Mail: Web:

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Occupation Force Of Innovation – The Chances Of The Crisis

Posted by Toni - October 28th, 2022

Negative messages move, employees are confused and never forecasts were so uncertain in this severity and such throughout the economic crisis has hit unexpectedly Germany. Reports of layoffs, austerity and insolvencies, especially from the automotive industry, spread uncertainty not only in the workforce, but letting also directors and business leaders in the country with mixed feelings on the next few months. Forward-looking, progressive companies take advantage of the current economic situation to expand its competitive position in the medium to long term. Also in the personnel policy in research and development, stagnation in every case should be prevented. Efforts continue to promote, just in the last year training and further training, in particular of, are still of great importance. It applies to hold despite the impact of the recession on the central objectives for sustainable success. For more information see Energy Capital Partners. But the crisis also offers opportunities. The challenges of the next years successfully meet to can, it requires above all the reflection on the innovative potential of the location Germany.

In this gravity and such throughout the economic crisis has hit unexpectedly Germany. Learn more on the subject from Newcastle University. Reports of layoffs, austerity and insolvencies, especially from the automotive industry, spread uncertainty not only in the workforce, but letting also directors and business leaders in the country with mixed feelings on the next few months. The reluctance of banks in lending is especially painful for companies in this situation. Long-term investments are postponed, or can be achieved sometimes only under great risks. State funding the Federal Government has adopted just the biggest stimulus package of in German postwar history in this context. Poor credit ratings and large companies planning larger, long-term projects intended to encourage through a special loan and guarantee program. It is in any case to avoid that long-term Investments due to the economic situation fall into danger. For this reason calls also federal research Minister Annette Schavan, greater efforts in this direction.


Training Profession

Posted by Toni - August 8th, 2022

Steinmetz informs sixes from Augsburg craft is the base of each culture. Many professionals who are still essential, have history for several centuries or even millennia. The areas of stone sculpture and the stone include for example. Stone sculptors and stonemasons are needed in many different areas and there are attractive occupations for artistically and technically interested school leavers. The experienced stonemason master Christian six from Augsburg, Germany informed the training as a stonemason. The training is essentially created equal in German-speaking countries. Gain insight and clarity with David Sedaris. It is dual training which take place partly in the school and partly in training mode.

Only the last is different from the three years of training content from training as a stone sculptor. So the possibility to opt for one of the two professions is to the end of the second academic. The main difference between Mason and stone sculptor in assessing the practical work. A Stone sculptor must develop here a plastic or free-form, which escapes as opposed to the work of a stonemason of measurability. The pieces of stone masons, however, must be instructions through appropriate instruments. It is for example gravestones.

After a successfully completed training to the Stonecutter or sculptor the opportunity to visit a training to the Preservationist, to the so-called journeymen in the preservation, is for the lads. It takes a month, will be offered only in Germany. Furthermore, the training of a stonemason and stone sculptor is a good basis for a degree in civil engineering. As in many crafting professions also is reflected in the training as a stonemason, the male-dominated after breaking up. However, there are only a few bachelorhood, the achievement, which ultimately also have the occupation of the stonemason.Many of them are based in the last third of the training in the direction of stone sculpture and work mainly artistic. Who chose the profession of the stonemason interested in, would be wise to get an internship in an appropriate establishment, to get a better picture of the profession with its possibilities. You get first-hand information in any masonry. In Augsburg, the operation of Christian is six one of them. The master stonemason has decades of experience back and like to informed his profession. Press contact Steinmetz six contact person: Christian six hops str. 10A 86179 Augsburg Tel.



Posted by Toni - March 30th, 2022

Short absences in the low cost of living with a Bachelor’s degree students at the German University of prevention and health management (www.dhfpg.de) can qualify students to specialists and executives for the market of the future prevention, fitness, and health. Go to Dean Ornish M.D for more information. The Bachelor’s studies at the State-approved University or college connects a company training and a correspondence course Austria or of Switzerland compact periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide). All parties involved benefit from the practical concept: the students who acquire professional practice at an early stage, and the training companies, because they can put their students through the high proportion of operational training from the outset as a valuable worker. Limited absences from training operation due to the compact presence phases in nationwide bases. And for the students, are looking for a training place close to the place of residence, is unnecessary – as opposed to a pure presence study -Moving to a students ‘ city”, which is often associated with increased cost of living by high rents, etc., a total nine study centers in Germany, as well as two international study centers in Austria and the Switzerland available are for the Bachelor’s degree at the German University. The classes at the various study centres be set up while demand-driven. For more information about the study centers, see:. Company Description College: studied at the German University of prevention and health management students to specialists and executives for the growth market of qualified prevention, fitness, and health. The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close after three years with the completion of Bachelor of Arts degree”off. Moreover, two masters in the fields of study are offered a lot of prevention and health management, connect a correspondence course with attendance phases. While postgraduate studies for the master in health management is a diploma or Bachelor’s degree and 1 year requires experience, can the master in prevention and health management”be completed directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma. In addition, there are six College continuing education involving professionals in selected subject areas can acquire knowledge at university level. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, an application to the master’s degree is possible to the summer / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and in over 40 European Recognised countries.

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Fear Is The Biggest Success Killers

Posted by Toni - March 30th, 2022

Series: The new sale (part 3) fear comes in many shades. It can be a friendly Warnerin that protects us. She can entice us momentarily from the reserve and lead to high performance. But she also paralyzed and destroyed. Duration fear puts the body in permanent alert, it reduces his power and ruining our health.

If we have fear, the amygdala in action is in our upper story. It examines everything affects us, highly alert on emotionally important factors threatening situations and potential dangers. You registers every movement and stops the nearly inaudible rustling in the bushes. It can automatically follow the direction of other people. She’s looking for friendly gestures and dark figures.

Ceaselessly, she interprets the importance of non-verbal messages in gestures and facial expressions. You explored any change in the voice of the person and decodes supposed intentions. Any mood fluctuation is noticeable Yes more or less effortlessly in the muscle-flexing of the face. This reads the amygdala and provides us with a flow of information, incessantly: it has in interest, that has bored him, that made him think, since he began to hesitate, now it looks as if he will say equal to Yes. The amygdala can feel come threats and provides – without that our thinking brain involved is lightning fast for the appropriate response -: panicked escape, dose attack or atemloses setting. All this is done below the threshold of perception of our consciousness by stress hormones. We feel only the result: anxiety or fear, anger or rage, hesitation and Zagen depending. The amygdala our risk radar the amygdala (Mandelkern), a pairwise existing structure of the limbic system, is so our neural risk ‘. She is also responsible for the emotional coloring of information. Receives and processes impulses from all sensory systems. With everything that does not match the power of the usual, turn on alarm.

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Team Effort

Posted by Toni - March 26th, 2022

Rene Stejskal referral marketing and networking alone you can achieve much, together everything! Personal recommendations have a significant role in their purchasing decisions. However, very few companies worry according to studies by Nielsen consulting. According to experts it is referral marketing and Word of mouth but an absolute future trend. The most important form of advertising, so Nielsen consulting, is not advertising in the traditional sense: 89% of prospects and potential customers in Germany rely on recommendations from other consumers. However, strategic word of mouth is not even perceived as to alert form on which, according to the Nielsen consulting, by most companies.

To offer only the best product, the best performance or the most unique solution is just too little. Only if this is really known, one can assume that this business is well developed. Networking and referral marketing is the most cost effective way to generate new business. But what would it for a company means knowing exactly who what when and how in which quality recommendation is? What would it mean if an exact recommendation marketing strategy, which puts contacts and save some time? How to make a network from the right”people and achieves this for any profitable situation? Henry Ford once said: coming together is a beginning, staying together progress, work a success! “Exactly this involves networking and referral marketing for strategic. This may seem so simple, is just as complicated the implementation. In Germany there are thousands of networks, both online and physical nature. This variety makes it possible on the one hand to just meet people, but carries a high risk of Verzettelungs on the other side. Many NetWorker”networks of networking because, however without or only with little result. Usually most leave it to chance”, by whom they are recommended. A good network time should be and bring qualified recommendations and Rob don’t have time and energy!

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Very Short Time

Posted by Toni - March 26th, 2022

Foreign language learning in pre-school? English, Chinese, French, Finnish? or perhaps Egyptian or Worlof already is today foreign language teaching in many schools of different countries from the third grade curriculum, and in some schools the foreign language knowledge is even still earlier gives. Friends tell me that the first vocabulary is already conveyed in the preschool. Whether a such early language learning is useful or not, everyone should decide or perhaps be discussed in a cheerful round. “What is certain is that secure dealing with a foreign language in our time at industry and trade and the back together the European Community” has become increasingly important. Also at holiday social and business trips, the Parlieren in the local language can be very helpful, indeed often required. (Doctor, lawyer, taxi, and much more) Many contemporaries ignore or suppress this fact because the assumption is that language learning much too tedious, tedious or too tiring. It’s not like that anymore. With the innovative language of the new generation learning is much more constructive and more memorable than you first thought.

No matter whether children language courses or for adults of any education. Here the by rapid learning made fun again. These language courses are characterized by ease of use with a clear structured design, unique Langzeitgedachtnis-learning method, thematically different lessons as well as multimedia applications. Huge selection of motivating learning and test methods developed according to the latest findings from the learning research. Keep forever in your long term memory what you learned! All texts and vocabulary are auditioned by native speakers: to learn an authentic, actual spoken language. Latest versions are 2010 completely revised as in my example and there are over 70 languages to choose from… For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X I hope you enjoy learning and have fun when inserting your new Language. Kindly your Udo Baker

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