Holistic Management

Posted by Toni - April 29th, 2024

Dialectic seminars – press release of the Academy for holistic management of two thousand years of fan Canon of European schools consisted of the seven liberal arts. One of them, who enjoyed a high reputation, is the dialectic. Since the mid-19th century, she came increasingly from the views of the public. The dialectic included logic, what has been long forgotten, the European psychology. For many centuries, ruled in the West, dogmas and dictatorships and left little room for persuasion communication.

In these periods was ordered and demands obedience. In this respect, lay largely dormant the dialectic and rhetoric and applied in academic disputations as school exercises or for the Constitution of texts and documents. The academic rhetoric was interested even until well into the 20th century mostly for analyzing literary texts. The rhetoric surfaced then again used as the dialectic in management courses. She was already by Aristotle as a crude form of the dialectic”referred to. In the the dialectics of then in management training, and through the book “Dialectic for Manager” by Prof. Rupert Lay reached 1970s, a Jesuit priest, also the upper management. Since then, dialectic seminars are a must for a good management training in the premium segment.

The dialectic is not simple and easy popular to a communication technique for anyone, but is logically coherent on the intellectual penetration of complex facts, reasoning and a sustainable trust and relationship management. The few suppliers, the art and technology of the dialectic in their dialectic seminars at a similarly high level, convey, stand on the floor of the dialectic as 2350jahrigen tradition founded by Plato. Dr. Winfried Prost, founder and Director of the Academy for holistic management, cooperated with Rupert Lay, who himself has pulled back some years, together several years and performs now even in the 33rd year of dialectic seminars for executives. He says: “since to me it is clear that the dialectic” the key to understanding, convince and lead other people includes, fascinated by this ancient secret”know and has people shipping riser, Profiler, and coach me make. When I open the eyes for substantially new perceptions of people and negotiating processes managers using the dialectic and gives them the tools for intelligent communication, I make them new opportunities for successful negotiations and ensure more sustainable. Dialectic is not only useful in the business life, it provides the basis of diplomacy and peace policy.” Contact: dialectic seminars, Dr. Winfried Prost. A press release of the Academy for holistic management:

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RSA Security Training

Posted by Toni - October 28th, 2022

Fast lane has designed the training data center security (DCS) efficient safety techniques for storage area networks, Hamburg / Berlin, June 5, 2008 the IT training provider for SAN and data center managers and administrators. This two-day course shows security techniques in the SAN that protect from malicious attacks on a network, server and storage systems as well as the risk of data loss through carelessness and unintentional misconfiguration. Virtualized and consolidated by the growing importance of technology approaches excessively increases the potential damage of a malfunction in the data center. Information lifecycle management, fusion of technology and on demand application readiness are essential goals of today’s data center managers, on the other hand on the one hand but also inevitably lead to a significantly increased degree of vulnerability of the overall system. Among other things, the DCS course shows why security mechanisms should necessarily accompany these structures created from efficiency and function.

Overview Course content: Data center complexity as challenge potential attack points in the data center server security IT management: LUN mapping, device hardening, application security, volume management including storage security: LUN masking, storage-based security including SAN Security: iSCSI FC-SP, SME, fabric binding, port security, AAA, secure fabric design, zoning, including key management and IP Security: IPSec, IP ACL, etc. The next dates: Munich 31.07 01.08.2008 Frankfurt 01.10 02.10.2008 price (excl. VAT): 1.190,-more information about this course, see course/566 / brief description: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH was founded in fast lane in 1996 in Dubai, U.A.E.. In Germany the long-standing and experienced Cisco Learning solutions partner offers as a specialist for complex networking projects consulting as well as training programs with comprehensive services. The fast lane training portfolio includes different own training network support, network design and Service-provider classes from Cisco systems. These are complemented by special training in the areas of IP telephony, security, network management, wireless and storage networking.

The training programs, manufacturers and institutions such as Brocade, check point, Citrix, CompTIA, EMC, HP, LPI, Microsoft, NetApp, Nokia, Novell, Oracle, RSA Security, SAP, Symantec and Red has the training offer. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented networking solutions to project management and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting. Check with Jane Figueiredo to learn more. More information: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH gas 4 D-22761 Hamburg contact person: Barbara Jansen Tel. + 49 (0) 40 25 33 46 – 10 fax + 49 (0) 40 23 53 77 – 20 E-Mail: Web: PR agency Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel. + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0 – 0 fax + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0-29 E-Mail: Web:

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