Spiritual Coaching

Posted by Toni - June 30th, 2020

In each individual case must be considered a point of human evolution and its individual dependency list: medical, social, psychological. To overcome the ability to obey any influence, restricts the freedom of life itself is not fundamentally dependent. Here the main thing – to decode the program of the soul in a particular personal context, as well as implementing a human major life lessons, and only then choose effective tools to restore the integrity and harmony of the individual. And believe me, artificially rid of any relationship (with the help of hypnosis, suggestive techniques, drugs, under fear of death or punishment) you are not working on the very reason, thereby giving rise to a backward wave with repeated remission, regression or the appearance of new states and subordinate reactions. Also, substitution of one dependence (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling), other, more positive activities (sports, hard physical labor), performs a social role in "humanizing" without affecting the underlying existential issues personality. Any dependence of the falls, one way or another, under a certain category: physical, emotional, emotional and physical, emotional, mental and proper mental. Respectively, and approaches to address or get rid of a certain effect will be different. While one rule remains the same as in medicine: the need to treat not the disease, and restore health, or in other words, does not work with investigators, but with the root cause. In the case of dependence needs to find its origins and mechanisms for managing a specific person, and only then choose the appropriate and adequate "treatment." If you are aware of the detrimental effect of any – or You subordinate factors, conditions, states, or habits that limit your creativity, healthy and active life, but you own to overcome their difficult, then you can take advantage of these recommendations in full through a session of the Spiritual Coaching or counseling.

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