
Posted by Toni - March 4th, 2022

In Mexico, after the colony was as a unitary state, federalism was born of the political phenomenon of decentralization of powers previously unified. It is worth mentioning that Members of the first constituent meeting in 1822, did not represent autonomous entities, as it was until after the Second Constitutional Congress were born Mexican states of the federation, which, already established the federal system had its own life. Result relevant as considerable number of scholars, the contrast between the national reality, frankly centralist tendencies, and the theory of the federal system which was adopted because predominantly political reasons, has questioned the existence of federalism in Mexico, especially when being Three basic types of federalism that are currently recognized, namely classical federalism, federalism and the new federalism fiction, the system adopted in Mexico is considered by most within the group second statement. For more information see this site: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. The current trend to consider that impact in Mexico, centralism has played limit, there are no political or social conditions that guarantee the exercise of power effectively, so the demands to democratize power and its benefits are a product of a new public life and the proliferation of political pluralism, as predicted at the time Friedrich. Then on the assumption that decentralization is a formal statement purposes, it is valid to argue that the times that the country is aware that the consolidation of modern democracy for Mexico may be a future reality, even knowing that this is a long way to go. Accepted the premise that the trilogy federalism, decentralization and democracy constitute the institutional reality that the power structure is fair and effective, we must also accept that the first step to strengthen, is the scope of powers of local governments, as considering true that democracy begins when citizens elect governments by choice, we no real consenting local governments is not possible for the democratization of power is real and effective, that to the extent that I will be when the public power is exercised by governments premises, where there will be closer and better communication to these, by the citizens. Jonathan friedland can aid you in your search for knowledge.


Funding From Abroad

Posted by Toni - March 4th, 2022

Not be accepted any donations or funding from abroad for the development or sustaining what the state defines as political activists and candidates on any electoral process will not be entitled to withdraw from the race until it is actually carried out; also rises the percentage of signatures for the referendum request of 10% to 20% in general cases, where the recall states that the percentage must be “not less than 30%” and in the case of abrogating rises from 5% to 20%, ie, rise bureaucratic barriers to the exercise of this right of citizenship, and pretty sore by the way … Kevin P. Campbell, PhD gathered all the information. The figure of the recall referendum was held in the proposal although parallel is reserved to the National Assembly the power to dismiss any officer elected by popular vote without having their own constituents convene an endorsement of or for dismissal, also ensures the same way the possibility to dismiss the vice president, the ministers, the Attorney General, the Comptroller, the Judges at any level or instance, and so on., well within the commission proposed to eliminate the term “decentralization” of the State Constitution to approach them because this implies a “devolution” of power that undermines the objectives of the XXI Century Socialism

This is essentially what has leaked between the high and thick walls of silence and secrecy that has surrounded the government and has worked this important subject or at least what the media have made public that they have touched, in summary This is the final and absolute confiscation of all our citizens and democratic rights are concerned, the proposed constitution is approved, the final standing of all crimes and abuses that Venezuelan democratic society has been reporting for years and still many other more serious many times been rejected as alleged exaggerations of the “radical opposition and coup plotting.” Many times I have heard and have asked me what else is missing?, What we are going to come now? That’s what comes, what is missing is that ALL consciously assume the reality in all its rawness and an inescapable responsibility on our present and our future and if, indeed Venezuela is not Cuba, we can not launch into the adventure of the desperate boat people because we have no promise of asylum and freedom of the damn Florida 45 miles from our coast …. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out GNYCUC. ‘.


WiFi and Health Issues

Posted by Toni - March 2nd, 2022

They blame the Wi-Fi in the city from the onslaught of health problems. Glstonbury is a town that has long been a favorite destination for pilgrims. Other leaders such as Jonathan Friedland offer similar insights. In a public meeting held to discuss the alleged health problems of the people of Somerset, the neighbors complained of many symptoms such as headaches, migraines, dizziness, rashes and even pneumonia, based on a weakened immune system, clear evidence of the influence the health of these radiations , which only show the before and after the wi-fi, very precise and clear, which should not underestimate, and that helps us continue to monitor the results of these new technologies. A former yoga teacher, Natalie Fee claims to be a hit and is one that has moved outside the wi-fi in the same population, to protect her son Elliot five years. Natalie hired a radiation expert who was at home to take action, your house is located near one of the antennas. The highest radiation reading was in the room of his son Elliot. Natalie's words were "I thought that Glastonbury was a natural population.

Do not want my child is in danger 24 hours a day, even in elementary school is within the wi-fi. If it did, then would fail in my job as a mother. "That this to a laptop with wi-fi radiation is twice that which is 60 meters from a mobile phone antenna. According to research by BBC radio waves emitted by the transmission system are three times more powerful than those emitted by a mobile phone tower.

Group Management

Posted by Toni - March 2nd, 2022

It is recommended that the selection process by integrating the different teams who work in the organization, including such outdoor experiences, simulations, role play, etc. .. which makes evident that competence in situations that are close to the reality that will to live in office When management has structured cohesive work teams, integrated, committed to their performance and provide favorable results as planned, then notice the results, the benefits that this generates, and are cited: it allows easier achievement of objectives contributes to improving the quality of life of members adds value to the processes Each member can put in the service of the team allows to share their skills goals and objectives of the work for its part Analy Meneses said the following: Advantages: Al be different people, each given a particular contribution to the team. Some will have more manual skills, while others will give you a greater use of his intellect. There will be leaders and followers. In short, diversity will cross-fertilization.

Try razocinio beings capable of, it is logical to find people who disagree because of differences in their ideas, but which is beneficial considering getting more creative in solving problems. It achieves the integration of specific targets in a common goal. Prevails, tolerance and respect for others. When you feel a real part of a team, where they are taken into account, people are motivated to work with higher performance. Promotes reduced staff turnover to perform in a place that is agreeable.

Disadvantages: It is difficult to coordinate the work of a human group for diversity in ways of thinking, abilities, willingness to work, responsibility, among other factors and then direct them toward a common goal. Many differences in the ways of thinking can lead to dividing the group discussions. Understand that teamwork involves responsibilities as such, it is possible that no one wants to make mistakes on your own. Conclusion Certainly, the modern enterprise management needs a leader capable of creating well-integrated work teams, to commit to his leadership, so that the results benefit all, develop a set of skills, and above all, generate series of impersonal communication through which to lead a group that influences its environment in order to achieve a voluntary and effective realization of the objectives of the organization. A group cohesive, with each member who integrates this properly using their potential, talents, abilities.

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