Why We Get Fat

Posted by Toni - October 19th, 2022

Why we get fat? The majority of the people with certainty has the reply in the tip of the language: we get fat because we eat more than what our necessary body to get energy. Therefore it is, is not so simple thus. Today already one knows that the factors are several that a person takes to get fat, as: Genetic factors the genetic predisposition makes with that the person accumulates fat with more easiness. This can occur more early, in infancy or adolescence or later already in the adult phase. Many writers such as Energy Capital Partners offer more in-depth analysis. Familiar behavior if the family does not possess healthful alimentary habits, this with certainty facilitates the weight profit.

Sedentary style of life the exercise lack conditions a lesser expense of energy and still it makes with that the metabolism functions more slowly. The less energy will be spends, greater will be aculo of energy in the fat form. Not to keep a regular alimentary routine our organism is intelligent and therefore it does not advance to try those mirabolantes diets. To jump meals or to be long intervals without if feeding, this only favors the weight profit. To eat what it needs many more than they eat as if the world was to finish at that moment and worse, it eats foods without no nutricional value. The result, accumulated fat.

The IMC – Index of corporal mass, she is used as measured to determine itself if a person is below, in its ideal weight, or above of the weight. IMC calculate its and compare with the indices and see as you this. IMC CLASSIFICATION Below of 18.4 Below of weight 18,5 24.9 Normal weight 25,0 – 29.9 Overweight 30,0 – 34.9 Obesidade Degree I 35,0 – 39.9 Obesidade Degree II Above of 40 Obesidade Degree III To make the calculation of the IMC it is enough to divide its weight in kilograms for the height to the square (in meters).


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