
Posted by Toni - October 7th, 2021

The sleeplessness is the upheaval of sleep most frequent in the population in general, being recognized for the OMS as a problem of health pblica1 had to the impact negativo to the physical and mental health, social activity, capacity for the work and quality of life of the individuals. Although this, this subject has not received the had attention from the professionals of the area of the proper health and insones, in the majority of the cases, does not look for professional aid qualificada.11 For Pafaro and Martino1 During it estresse the signals and symptoms that occur more frequently are of the physical level as: increase of sudorese, knot in the stomach, muscular, taquicardia tension, hipertenso, squeeze of the jaw and to creak of cold teeth, hiperatividade, hands and feet, nauseas. Picture 02 – Symptoms presented for the academics in last week SINTOMASTotal% 1Problemas with memria20 (48%) 2Mal-to be generalized, without cause especfica13 (31%) 3Formigamento of the extremities– 4Sensao of physical consuming constante31 (74%) 5Mudana of apetite19 (45%) 6Aparecimento of problems dermatolgicos9 (21%) 7Hipertenso arterial2 (5%) 8Cansao constante32 (76%) 9Gastrite, ulcer or stomachal indisposio very prolongada7 (17%) 10Tontura or sensation to be flutuando10 (24%) emotiva 11Sensibilidade excessiva14 (33%) 12Dvida how much itself prprio8 (19%) to 13Pensar constantly in one only assunto19 (45%) 14Irritabilidade excessiva19 (45%) 15Diminuio of libido6 (14%) Analyzing picture 02, in phase II, the symptom that if sobressaiu was constant fatigue, evidenced in 76% of the academics, followed for sensation of constant physical consuming, cited for 74% of the participants. Still in accordance with Pafaro and Martino In psychological terms, some symptoms can occur as: anxiety, tension, anguish, interpersonal sleeplessness, alienation, difficulties, doubts how much itself proper, extreme concern, inability to concentrate in other subjects that not related it to the estressor, difficulties to relax, tdio, anger, depression, emotiva hipersensibilidade. Picture 3 – Symptoms presented for the academics in last month SINTOMASTotal% 1Diarria freqente1 (2%) 2Dificuldades sexuais2 (5%) 3Insnia25 (60%) 4Nusea15 (36%) 5Tiques2 (5%) arterial 6Hipertenso continuada1 (2%) 7Problemas dermatological prolongados6 (14%) extreme 8Mudana of apetite13 (31%) 9Excesso of gases7 (17%) 10Tontura freqente5 (12%) 11lcera, colite or another one problema2 (5%) 12Enfarte– 13Impossibilidade to work– 14Pesadelos freqentes6 (14%) 15Sensao of incompetence in all reas3 (7%) 16Vontade to run away from tudo21 (50%) 17Apatia, depression or anger prolongada7 (17%) 18Cansao constant and excessivo26 (62%) to 19Pensar and to speak constantly in one only assunto12 (29%) frequent 20Irritabilidade without cause aparente15 (36%) 21Angstia, anxiety, fear diariamente22 (52%) 22Hipersensibilidade emotiva12 (29%) 23Perda of sense of humor16 (38%) Evaluating picture 03, on the symptoms presented for the academics in the last month, 60% presents sleeplessness, 62% presents constant and extreme fatigue, 52% had told anguish, anxiety and fear daily, and still the will was disclosed to run away from everything for 50% of the sample.


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