
Posted by Toni - May 30th, 2019

425; BRAZIL, 2003, P. 7). On the basis of these data, in recent years, have occurred a significant increase of the number and the variety of initiatives directed toward aged people and had created some programs teaching ' ' to age saudvel' ' , that beyond being good condition of health sample that the aged people need a recognition, respect and security, therefore the aged ones that they do not obtain to arrive at the healthful aging will need a special attention, needing continuous and specialized cares, waiting, therefore that it increases the number of aged inserted dependents in social environment familiar. In the end of the decade of 90 the OMS left of side the expression envelhecimento saudvel and started to adopt envelhecimento ativo that it can be understood as process of otimizao of the health chances, participation and security, as objective to improve the quality of life, to the measure that the people are older. Involving public politics that promote ways of living more healthful in all the stages of the life. It must be based on the rights, necessities, preferences and abilities of the aged people and still to include a perspective of life course that recognizes the importance of the former experiences in the way as the people age. (DUARTE, 2007, P.

164, grifo of the author). In this conjuncture the OMS in 2005 affirms that ' ' the active aging occurs inside of a context that involves some people being the interdependence and solidarity enters the generations more its principles relevantes.' ' 7. RELATION BETWEEN the DOMICILIARY ATTENDANCE AND the AGED O Health department points, in its studies with population base, that in Brazil, more than 85% of the aged ones present at least a chronic disease, and about 15% of these diseases last per some years and demand constant actions on the part of the health services.


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