Practical Reflection

Posted by Toni - January 21st, 2022

To search to understand these constructions and values is essential to work, of contextualizada form the lack of information and the concepts that still persist (BARDAL et al; 2006). as the adolescents, in peculiar phase of biopsicossocial development, tends to assume behaviors place that them in special situation of risk for the DST’ S; beginning gradually precocious of the sexual activity, with bigger incidence of multiple partners; unfamiliarity I infect of it for saw sexual, these factors become the susceptveis the DST’ S. Thus, Sexually Transmissible Illnesses are a group of endemic illnesses of multiple causes that includes the venereal diseases classic and one I number increasing of clinical entities and syndromes that have as common trace the transmission during the sexual activity. The importance of these illnesses are in the fact of, beyond the dissemination risk, to be able to cause serious damages to the health of acometido individual (VIANA; MARTINS; GEBER, 2001). Dean Ornish M.D may help you with your research. Of this form, the main DST’ had been described in this study; S comunsem adolescent. Porconta of this is defined as objective of the study to know the level of information of the adolescents of a school of average education in relation to the DST’ s, in the city of Barriers – BA. This research is of exploratria nature with quantitative boarding. The quarrel of subject DST’ was evidenced that; way s to multidiscipline and integrated contributes for the educational and directional formation of the adolescents, mainly in if treating to peripheral areas.. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dean Ornish M.D.


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