Nursing Treatment

Posted by Toni - February 19th, 2022

Front to the treatment by means of the carried through research is confirmed that it does not have one cure still defined, thus remaining an individual and personalized and humanizada assistance. Klin (2006) tells that the autismo is a permanent comprometimento and the majority of the individuals affected for this condition remains incapable to live of independent form, and requires the familiar support or of the community or the institutionalization. Almeida (1996, p.256) affirms that until moment was not reached to the cure of the autismo. Therefore, the treatment must have for objective to take care of to the necessities of the child and the family, helping them to reach it independence in the activities of the daily life, and to acquire basic capacities. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with The Greater New York Construction User Council . By means of the intervention and assistance of Nursing if it bases on the accompaniment and evaluation of the development of the child. For Braga and Avila the nurses must invest in the practical ones of attention to the health, in the communication of its evaluation for one better confirmation of diagnosis and beginning of the treatment, present a humanizado attendance, and have consideration to the complexity and the impact of the diagnosis in the family.

By means of the found one in the cited theoretical referencial in the present article, are observed that the autismo is a syndrome that compromises the human development, more specifically in the masculine sex and if detects enters the 2 to the 3 years of age. for being an illness little known and little divulged if becomes a question of great icons with many questions and few answers. This study it searched to evidence the importance of this discovery process and domain of the content as a facilitador instrument for one better management, strategical planning and that makes possible to the nurses and professionals of the area of the health to evaluate, to know and to diagnosis the picture where if it finds the carrier of this riot.


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