Ariosto Mota Man

Posted by Toni - August 17th, 2014

The center of the thought of Freud was that the subjectivity of the man is, in fact, determined for the objective factors? Objectives in the measure where if relate to the proper conscience of the man? that acts the default of it, so to speak, determining thoughts and feelings to it, and thus, indirectly, its acts. The man, so zealous of its freedom to think and to choose, is in the reality, a marionette moved for twines, behind and above of it, and that in turn they are directed by factors unknown of its conscience. To give illusion to it of that he acts according to its will, the man invents rationalizations that give the impression to it to act as it acts, for having freely chosen its attitude, moved for rational or moral reasons. But Freud does not conclude with a fatalismo note, confirming the incapacity of the man in relation to the forces determine that it, and yes, that the man can acquire conscience of these forces that act its default? with this to extend the scope of its freedom and is changedded of one joguete moving for forces unconscious, in a free and conscientious man, determining its proper destination. Freud expressed this objective in the words ' ' WHERE IT WILL HAVE ID, IT WILL HAVE EGO' '. A curious question that we cannot leave of side is that all these characteristics that we judge natural and inherent to the human being are, in the reality, fruits of feelings restrained in the infancy, that concomitantly it reflects in the adult phase, under the action of the factors: Antropolgicos (FAN), Biological (FB) and Psicolgicos (FP). The purpose of the action of these factors is to take the individual to have an inferior concept of itself exactly. Relembro what the master Ariosto Mota says: ' ' The conscience must give to the individual the notion of that it must fight by itself, since, it exists does not stop becoming black its interior life, but to free it. If you will not be for you who you will be? ' '


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