
Posted by Toni - July 12th, 2014

However, she was initially used in the area of the health for Hans Selye in 1926, still medicine student. In 1936, already then endocrinologista one, stress introduced the term to assign a syndrome produced for some harmful agents. It emphasizes the not specific reply of the organism the situations that do not debilitate it, weakening and taking the organism to adoecer. As Arajo et estresse al.2 It can be explained as a reaction of the organism, with physical and/or psychological components, caused for the psicofisiolgicas alterations that occur when the person if it collates with a situation who, in a way or another one annoys, it, it rightens, it excites or it confuses. For Arajo et estresse al.2 it when extreme it can intervene with the quality of life of the human being, taking it a series of damages, such as problems of social or familiar interaction, physical and psychological lack of motivation for activities in general, illnesses, beyond difficulties in the work. By this reason, one of the main problems of the modern world is considered. The stimulaton that initiates a reaction of estresse is called estressor. It can be for a cognitiva interpretation or of the meaning that the individual attributes.

However it has situations where the event is intrinsically estressante independently of the interpretation, as in the case of cold or extreme heat, pain, etc. The estressor can be something negative and also positive that the person in marcante way moves. Pafaro and Martino. The process of estresse passes for three phases: The phase of alert if characterizes for reactions of the likeable nervous system, when the organism perceives the estressor. The resistance presents itself when this estressor remains present for drawn out periods or if it is of great dimension. In the exhaustion phase it estresse, it exceeded the possibility of the individual to coexist it, following the illnesses as mechanism of inadaptation of the person to this process.


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