
Posted by Toni - December 9th, 2018

Do you know the importance of this body? First and foremost, I must explain to you that the liver is an organ of our body that helps in the digestion of the food we consume daily, and in addition to storing energy when our body requires, the liver cleans our blood and helps our body to fight infections. Where our liver fails and there are no treatments that can maintain the proper functioning of the body, we will have to undergo a liver transplant. What happens during liver transplantation, is that it removes is the liver that no longer works, and is replaced with a healthy one that corresponds to the respective donor liver. The great advantage is that the donor may be someone who has already died or can use only a part of the liver of someone healthy. The main reason that it carried out a liver transplant is known cirrhosis, where healthy liver cells die and are replaced by scar tissue. Organ transplants are a reflection more than the great scientific advances today and there are multiple health centers where are carried out with the sole purpose of prolonging the life of human beings..

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