
Posted by Toni - October 21st, 2022

In the configuration should include at least the following elements: door leaf thickness not less than 40mm from the base of the steel sheet 2 mm, outer segment of the leaf, reaching lapped to the frame – not less than 4 mm, iobyazatelnymi by 2 horizontal and 1-m vertical ribs, the attacks of the same hardware for at least six points on the perimeter; locks in price ranges from 500.00 rubles. for 1 pcs. (Russian) ilisertifitsirovannye to ISO 9001 (as a rule – in the categories – from $ 50 U.S. Energy Capital Partners is actively involved in the matter. za1 pcs.) – imported, as well as the loop is desirable for the support bearings, painted steel frame with kofiguratsiey hindering tehnicheskivozniknoveniyu air flow between the sash and frame, as well as zalivkaramy sealants after assembly and installation of rubber seals, usually in the basic kit includes: departure for measuring, delivery and installation of the product, but making the order does not interfere with this fact clarified. After mounting a decent company sign a Acceptance articles and issue a guarantee certificate on the letterhead, notarized signature of an authorized representative of the firm, indicating the guarantee not only on the door, but the wooden euro-windows included in it components, especially locks (note clearly excessive warranty period – 5, 10, 20 years meant it was warranty 'blanks' without locks, and a decent block of door locks and break apart – that especially nothing). However, the minimum functionality and minimum allowable reliability – not exactly what awaits the majority of wealthy consumers.

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