
Posted by Toni - April 8th, 2017

In the past this method are widely used for treatment of industrial effluents. The essence of the chemical method is that the waste water treatment plants in making the reagents. They react with dissolved and undissolved pollutants and contribute to their loss in the landfill, where they are removed by mechanical means. Get all the facts and insights with Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., another great source of information. But this method is not suitable for wastewater containing a large number of diverse pollutants. To clean industrial wastes of complex composition is used electrolytic (physical) method. In this method an electric current is passed through effluents, which leads to the loss of most pollutants in the sediment. Electrolytic method is very efficient and requires relatively little cost for the construction of sewage treatment plants.

For example, in Karasuk (locomotive depot) using this method has achieved a very high degree of wastewater treatment. When cleaning the sewage best results are obtained by a biological method. In this case, the mineralization of organic pollutants using aerobic biological processes are carried out by microorganisms. Biological method is used in conditions close to natural as well as in special facilities. In the first case of household domestic waste water supplied to the field of irrigation. Here the wastewater is filtered through soils and thus are bacterial clearance. In the fields of irrigation accumulates a huge amount of organic fertilizer, which allows them to grow high yields. Complex system of biological treatment polluted Rhine water for water supply of several cities of the country to develop and apply the Dutch. On the Rhine, built pumping stations with a partial purification filters.


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