Key Figures Of The Company And Location In

Posted by Toni - April 19th, 2018

Environmental indicators can on different areas, works or sites involved are efficiency should first already in the company existing data be assumed and these then gradually be expanded to collect figures. The biggest environmental and economic savings are BBs into a purposeful selection of environmental performance indicators for SMEs. The identified environmental indicators can be compared both with the figures of the previous periods (time series comparison) as with the figures from other business units or establishments (operating comparison). By comparing your own key figures both with industry-related and ancillary businesses can recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and shows (benchmarking). I.e. environmental indicators should especially for detecting saving rich outputs, i.e.

for sewage distinct specific loads of water, waste fractions to different waste or for specific pollutants to distinct Ducting be used. Here it comes, what material and energy flows each leave the individual branches, i.e. the main objective are identifying the main mission and waste sources, reduction of waste exhaust air/waste water) stream and cost optimization of product environmental attributes, reducing local environmental impact. See also from a planning perspective Jorg Becker: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9 environmental indicators to different areas, related works or sites and allow therefore differ according to company figures, location indicators, or process metrics. Process indicators are important for the acquisition of essential sources of consumption of resources, as well as the main source of emissions. They are formed at lower organizational levels and are therefore in particular for planning, control and instrumentation.

However, site and corporate figures, particularly for the general monitoring of the success of environmental management over a period of time are across important. See out holistic perspective among others Jorg Becker: surveying the sites work book, ISBN 978-3-8370-6724-8 see from a general strategic perspective among others Jorg Becker: strategic potential check of the site exploring site perspectives, ISBN 978-3-8370-4978-7. The cost of its own surveys of State figures pays for itself usually only if the company even on his site of the main contributors to an environmental problem is (E.g. noise nuisance caused by an airport, water pollution, caused by a large direct dischargers and others. In other cases, often the recourse to information and readings of the regional authorities is possible whose direct impact at the regional level to control and show savings or improvements. CF. perspective comprehensive planning among others Jorg Becker: location indicators I. performance levels on the spot, sensors on the pulse location, ISBN 978-3-8391-1823-8 or Jorg Becker: site analysis from the cockpit of the indicators visiting the counter area, ISBN 978-3-8423-1858-8 Jorg Becker

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