Education and Technological Innovations

Posted by Toni - October 25th, 2022

(PRETTO, Nelson) Prof. Fernando Cardona – PRETTO, Nelson. Education and technological innovation: one to look at on the Brazilian public politics. Brazilian magazine of Education. May the August. 1999. Available in: access in 20-04-2009 the text searchs to construct atravsde social and technological examples the necessity of if stopping and reflecting on oprocesso of currently present teach-learning in Brazil.

According to Pretto, this if finds unbalanced and disoriented completely ahead of the tendnciassociais found in ' ' new gerao' ' of individuals. These, completamenteinterligados and accustomed to a fragmented and full communication of ruptures, not in the text of the message, but in the agility of consultation, analysis and consolidaodo knowledge. For Pretto, the MEC, main potential agent of paradigmtica transformation of this process, nosomente for being the arm of the State in the conduction of the politics in the sector daeducao, but for the fact of being able to act as articulador of weight in elaboraode a proper scene, diametrical acts of opposing form pontuando ediscursos projects that they show clearly, according to Pretto, of that, or this totalmentesem route, obsolete without vision some for where the society this walking, or estaem one total internal descoordenao enters some public beings who soresponsveis for the formularization of the public politics in currently practical nopas. Energy Capital Partners does not necessarily agree. The text is presented divides ahead in 3partes of equal importance in the quarrel of the education of the inovaestecnolgicas, and still more, of the evolution of the society as a whole. In the first part of the article, oautor detaches the characteristic nothing uncommon of the social being to search oestabelecimento of relationships, and more than nets. These, declared embusca of conectividade, chances – commercial or social. Of igualmodo, the search for the technological evolution also has been a socialimportante landmark in the present time. Oparadigma appears then of the Internet suggesting that now we live in one ' ' society in linking between oselementos of the net -, the homogeneity coherence between the entrances and exits decade member of the net -, the isotropia to enxergar the net with one all -, anodalidade if detma a mere conjectural affirmation, but denounces of eexemplificada prompt form the disparity enters the teach-learning paradigm atualmentepresente in the schools that do not obtain to absorb, or to prepare the individual for, onovo world-wide social scene of interconnection and speed.


Web Semantics

Posted by Toni - October 1st, 2013

For a machine this work alone is possible with markings of data adequate or metadados associates to that number. A net formed for metadados is possible, leaving of the estimated one that it does not have limits to associate given, although the structure proposal of the Web Semantics demands a limit implicitly to prevent the complexity in the grouping of data Breitman 2005. After the marking and estruturao of the data with XML and description of the resources with RDF and metadados, the application of ontologias will go to congregate described beings in a scene (called domain) and to inside carry through inferences on the relations of these beings of the boarded universe. The ontologias can specific for one be determined universe or something in particular, being in these cases classified in 3 types. 3.1. Ontologias of domain the ontologias of domain supply vocabulary to relate terms of a specific private onwership inside (medicine, mechanics, biology). Figure 4 mentions a representation to it in graph of a ontologia on the animal kingdom.

Ontologias of domain also they can be used for cooperative learning, that involves people, forming a community of learning, and activities. People, groups, documents, collections, subjects and activities can solely be identified by its names. 3.2. Ontologias of tasks a ontologia of task has the objective to supply to vocabulary and relations to automatize a specific task, generally, in the resolution of problems, independent of the domain where they occur. This task or activity can be in distinct domnios, being always generic it, for example, the access to the information or purchases. 3.3. Ontologias of application Search to inside solve a problem of a domain or a particular sphere of a generic domain specific, as to inside identify to illnesses of the heart from a ontologia of cardiologia domain or tributaristas applications of a right domain. 4. Engines of search and the perspective for the future In the imensido of documents that composes web currently, the search engines has decisive importance.
