Medical Technology

Posted by Toni - December 10th, 2021

Platelets are responsible not only for blood clotting, that has long been known. 15 years ago, it became clear that platelets are also responsible for the successful regeneration of tissues, as the so-called "signaling" cells. That is, if we are injuring, scratch quickly prolonged clot blood, which becomes a natural bandage for the wound and helps restore damaged skin. This is due to the ability of platelets to produce prothrombin, which helps tissue regeneration. Activated, awakened their own stem cells, and the skin begins to update the inside. Everything related to stem cells, causes justified fears: first, the effects of playing with the stem cells unknown, and secondly, methods of administration to a human stem cells, are illegal and are pursued throughout the world. Further details can be found at National Foundation for Cancer Research, an internet resource. Everything you've heard about stem cells – blasphemy.

In Europe today, just being the development and clinical study. They spend billions of dollars, and dealing with the issue luminaries of world medicine. In Russia, this is impossible: no funds to support this level of laboratory and specialists, but "on the knee" develop biotechnology unrealistic. In the next ten or twenty years of research into stem cells will continue. Check out MJFF for additional information. Therefore, all those "doctors", who already offer gullible citizens' magic injection of youth "- charlatans.

Introduced, they are usually vitamins or simply saline, and hope for the placebo effect: when the patient believes in a miracle, it happens. If people inject drugs are present Stem cells – is a crime. Material for such manipulations is taken from nowhere, often abortive material, and the consequences can be dire and unpredictable.

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